I had planned to blog today about our fun weekend, and I'll get to that, but I need to start with a little segment of my day, so that if you don't have kids yet, or if your kids are grown and you don't remember how they were at the age of 2, here's a reminder:
Things that happened today
Tyler dumped out 2 bottles of hand soap all over the floor.
Tyler dumped a cup of water out on the tile. I didn't clean it fast enough. Kyle was carrying a glass plate, with food on it, to the table. For whatever 5 year old reason I can't fathom, he went around the long way, in front of the fridge, in the water spill.... down went the boy, down went the plate, glass and food went flying everywhere.
Tyler stabbed poked Trevor in the lip with a sharpened pencil and made his lip bleed. (Can someone tell me why we can never find a sharpened pencil when it's homework time, but somehow a sharpened pencil is close enough to be a weapon for a 2 year old???)
Tyler found a pair of scissors and cut his pants to bits, while he was wearing them (you can see the holes in the picture above).

On Sunday James and the kids came with me to a ward conference. It was nice to have church together. That afternoon we went to James parents' to celebrate Joy's birthday.
I was going to write more, but hey... it's been a long day.