Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hawaii Trip

James and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary with a long-awaited trip to Hawaii. The kids stayed with my parents, and even though we missed them, it was SO NICE to have 4 days alone together in Hawaii!
We stayed in Waikiki, here's the view from our hotel:

We spent a day at the Polynesian Cultural Center. I loved seeing all the performances and learning about the different islands. It was also awesome to see the students and hear how the PCC allows them to pay for school. James helped out in the New Zealand welcome dance:

The sister missionaries took us on a tour to see the Laie Hawaii temple and BYU-Hawaii:

We went back the next day to do a session at the temple. We also swam on the North Shore later that day, and watched them setting up for a big surf competition.

Overlooking Hanauma Bay:

We snorkeled in the Bay and saw so many cool kinds of fish. We also went on a hike up Koko head, and old train track up the side of a mountain.

This was the perfect trip! We had a great time and loved being together!


  1. Oh man, how fun! I'm relaxed just thinking about it. You guys are so good about taking time to be a couple and it is really inspiring me to do the same (well, one of these days. Ha ha).

  2. That is so great!! I can't believe you have been married 10 years. Where does the time go? Congrats to you!

  3. Wow! What an amazing way to celebrate 10 years! I'll have to plant a bug in Mike's ear. :)

  4. So glad you two got to do this! You deserved it. Love you. Jill

  5. Oh how great are "mini moons" When we went last year the Temple wasn't open yet. Oh darn, that means we'll have to go back!

  6. How fun for you guys! That is a great 10 year wedding anniversary present.
