The helmet is fairly lightweight. It doesn't seem to bother Trevor much. He wears it all day and all night. The biggest problems are sweating- he drips sweat when it's hot- and other people's curiosity. We get all kinds of questions from strangers at the store. A lot of people think it's because we want to protect him. (I don't think I'm quite that safety conscious that I would make my 9 month old wear a helmet at the grocery store...)
Trevor will wear his helmet anywhere from 6 weeks to 5 months depending on how fast his head grows and shapes and how good we are about making him wear it. (We'll be good!)
I think he looks so darn cute in that helmet!
ReplyDeleteit does kinda look like a safety helmet
ReplyDeleteReally cute picture of the boys! Hope it's all going well. I remember the hot weather with the helmet being hard. Give him a hug from us!
ReplyDeleteI actually would like helmets for a few of my kids to wear for protective reasons. He looks great it in his helmet.
ReplyDeleteI think he looks cute in his "safety helmet"! (Would have written that in chinglish, but I'm clueless). I'm surprised he's not throwing a fit about wearing it, especially at night. Glad he's doing good with the change.