Sunday, January 24, 2010

Rollin', laughin' and sleepin'

Trevor officially rolled over for the first time this week. I say officially because he had rolled over before, but only when he wasn't totally flat on his back. I wasn't sure whether it counted as really rolling over or not. But now there's no doubt about it- this boy can roll!

He is also laughing- so cute! James had him cracking up here.
And for the last 3 nights in a row....HE HAS SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!


  1. He is seriously so BEAUTIFUL!!! I know boys probably don't love that comment, but he really is! What a fun stage in so many ways!!

  2. sounds like he is doing great! He is starting to look a lot like tyler to me now :) pretty dang cute!

  3. What a cutie pie! Of course he is my grandson!

  4. What a cutie! LUCKY you, he's sleeping trough the nihgt!
    I didn't know it snowed there and school closed for it, WOW! Fun!
    *P.S. You might be a little interested about our recent news, go check out my new post.
