Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Normally, new shoes wouldn't merit a post on the blog, but every time I put these shoes on Tyler, he smiles and says "shoes,"  and I'm smiling too. That's a big change from his old shoes. We used to have to shove his feet into his shoes. He would say "ow, ow," and half the time, I would just give up. (I mean, do you really need shoes if you're just sitting in the cart?) I knew he needed wide shoes, but I thought we had the size right-- 6 1/2. So you can imagine what a bad mom I felt like when the guy at Stride Rite measured and he really wears a size 8 wide! No wonder getting his shoes on was so impossible! He never wanted to wear shoes, and I thought he just liked the feel of bare feet, but now that the size is right, he's always asking to have his shoes on. Oops! So, we are both thrilled that he has shoes that fit.


  1. Don't feel bad - the exact same thing happened to me! With these same shoes too. Bayer loves to wear these brown shoes now!

  2. That story definitely deserves a spot here because we can all relate to those things that make us feel horribly guilty. Kids are forgiving tho thank goodness. What a sweetheart he is.
